School Hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8:30 AM - 3:05 PM
Wed: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Please visit the Fiske School's Website for special hours and school closing days.
Absence or Late Arrival
If you know that your child will not be in school, or will be late on any specific day, please call the school office during school hours at 781-446-6265, and state the date of absence and length of time student will be absent. If this call must be made outside of school hours, call 781-446-6219 x8. If the school does not have this information ahead of time they will call you to ascertain the safety of your child.
Departing Early
If you know your child will be departing school early please send a note in with your child to deliver to their teacher. Or, before school starts please email the child's teacher and also the front office. If neither of these are possible please contact the front office directly and they will inform your child's teacher.
School Closings and Delays
It is the policy of the school department that when traveling conditions appear to place the children’s safety in jeopardy, school will be cancelled. It is sometimes difficult for the superintendent’s office to obtain an accurate appraisal of weather conditions. Therefore, the final decision concerning your child’s school attendance, in the event schools are not closed, must rest with each parent/guardian. A copy of the policy can be found by clicking here.
School cancellation information can be obtained as follows:
- Most radio and TV stations, including Wellesley local cable channel 9, broadcast this information.
- Many news outlets also post school closings on their web sites.
- The Wellesley School Information number is 781-446-6200. ​
- Follow this link to cancelation information. ​
Please do not call Fiske School for this information.
Car Line (Drop off and Pick Up)
Car line (drop off & pick up) proceeds much faster & safer when everyone follows the rules!
Children exit/enter the right side of the vehicle (i.e.: sidewalk side)
DO NOT get out of your vehicle - if your child needs assistance, ask the aide to help
DO NOT park in car line & walk your child to the front door; park in the lower lot.
DO NOT park in front of Fiske on Hastings Street for drop off/pick up, this interferes with bus & traffic flow.
Ensure your family name card is visible in your front window at pick up.
Children who will be using the Cedar Street crosswalk to leave school will be dismissed from their classrooms to the primary playground where there will be a teacher on duty. Parents, guardians and caregivers picking up their children can meet their children on the primary playground and then exit via the path to Cedar Street where there will be a crossing guard until 3:30.
Parents, please indicate on your dismissal forms if your child will be exiting school via Cedar Street.
Dropping Something Off at School
During the school day if your child needs something (ie: lunch, homework, costume, etc.) please:
1.) Put it in a bag with your child's name and classroom clearly labeled on the outside, and
2.) Write the time your child needs it by, and
3.) Leave it in the school's front office.
The bag will be delivered to your child.
Health and Fitness
Pupils in all grades are required to have sneakers at school for use in the gym. These must be plainly marked with the child’s name.
Library Birthday Books: Pam Allen, Fiske Librarian
Through the Birthday Book Program parents, relatives, and friends give books to the library in honor of a child's birthday. This is a wonderful way to give children a sense of ownership of the Fiske Library and to support all students' reading.
Lost and Found
Please mark all your children’s belongings with labels or marking pen. There is a table outside of the main office in the school, which you and your child should check occasionally, even if you have not missed anything. We have boots, sneakers and other articles of clothing which are unidentifiable. At mid-year and year-end these are donated to worthy causes. Please label all personal belongings so that items can be returned to their owner promptly if they are found.
Lunch Program
Each morning if its a lunch lunch day at school, teachers will take students' lunch and milk orders. Students may order a hot or cold lunch. If a student brings their lunch from home they may order milk. Please do not send money with your child. If your child will be arriving late to school and wishes to order lunch please call the office at 781-446-6265 before 9:00 am to place an order.
Visit the Wellesley Public School Website's, lunch page, for Today's Lunch Schedule and instructions on How to Pay for Lunch
Students have a daily mid-morning snack period. Please send a nutritious snack and drink from home.
The Fiske Nurse is Mrs. Betsy Hindmarsh at 781-446-6265 x202
Nursing department website
Report Cards (January/June) and Parent/Teacher Conferences (Fall/Spring)
Report cards have a numeric grading system denoting progress in various areas. No letter grades are given in elementary school.
​School Council
Mandated by the state, each school has a School Council comprised of the Principal, teachers and administrators, parents, and a community representative. In the case of the parent representatives, they are voted on by the parents and serve a two-year term. Meetings shall be held once a month during the school calendar, and are open to the parent community. Please click here for the list of Fiske School Council participants.
Student Council
Twice a year students in fourth and fifth grade are offered the opportunity to run for Student Council. Interested students write a statement expressing their reasons for wanting to run. Students vote by class, and two representatives are elected per class (if there are [3] fifth grade classes, then there are [6] fifth grade Student Council representatves). Meetings are held once a week, during a morning recess. Responsibilities may include leading the Halloween parade, helping to organize assemblies, and communicating issues they see around school and finding solutions.
Volunteering at School
Please see the school administrator to obtain a CORI background check form. Return the completed form, and your driver's license (a copy will be made).
All Fiske procedures are in the Insiders Guide to Fiske that can be found on our Fiske School Webpage.